Casting Instructions

The following is step-by-step on how we cast bullets.  Please contact us with any question that you may have about this process.  We don’t guarantee that our techniques will work for you.

CAUTION: Casting lead or lead alloy bullets may result in exposure to lead and other substances known to cause birth defects, reproductive harm and other serious physical harm.  Have adequate ventilation at all times.  Wash hands after exposure. Always use safety glasses and protective clothing when casting bullets to protect against spills and splashes.

1. Gently close mould.


2. Tap handle to make sure mould is closed tight.


3.Hold mould on its side. Fill ladle and position ladle in sprue hole.


4. Slowly (4-5 seconds) rotate upright and hold another 4-5 seconds letting the entire contents of the ladle run back into the pot Remove ladle from mould.  Wait 4-5 seconds until sprue solidifies. When casting in nose pour moulds, wait until the entire ladle has run through the groove on the vented sprue plate.

5. Cut off sprue by turning sprue plate.


6. Open mould. Sometimes the bullet will fall out now.


7. Tap handle hinge pin. Sometimes the bullet will fall out now.


8. Tap handle on the side away from the bullet.  Bullet should have fallen out by now.